Throughout the Pacific Northwest the coho salmon are heading in from the Pacific feeding grounds toward their spawning grounds. The time to head them off is now in saltwater, while they are at their prime. I will be fishing the Strait of Juan de Fuca for silvers the week of September 12th to 16th. Yes, the office will be closed that week. Subscribe to my newsletter and get my daily posts from the Strait. Many of the photos below are “clickable” for more information on fishing locations and tackle.
Below: Dean Teegarden (Mr. Wiggle Fin) catching a coho near Port Angeles on Don McKeta’s boat. Blue/White Salmon Series Tube Fly and Action Disc.
Silvers caught at Sekiu trolling Bucktailing flies on fly rod. Click on photos for more details
Below: NOOTKA SOUND, August 2022 Salmon caught with Purple Haze tube fly. (photos clickable)